Chapter 4  Installing CodeReady Workspaces in restricted environments Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.1 Red Hat Customer Portal
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Chapter 4  Installing CodeReady Workspaces in restricted environments Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.1 Red Hat Customer Portal

Storage class for the Persistent Volume Claims dedicated to the CodeReady Workspaces workspaces. Instructs the CodeReady Workspaces server to launch a special Pod to pre-create a subpath in the Persistent Volumes. Enable it according to the configuration of your K8S cluster. Name of the secret set in the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to setup identity federation on the OpenShift side. Name of the OpenShift OAuthClient resource used to setup identity federation on the OpenShift side.

  • The APIs are compatible with Visual Studio Code extension APIs.
  • It is the name of the branch that this project was cloned from.
  • A workspace is created inside of an organization and uses the resources of the organization.

This problem can occur with OpenShift when a pod is run by a user with no permissions to use sudo or to access or modify resources on the file system. To add a server, use the User Dashboard or edit the workspace machine configuration YAML file. You can also specify multiple containers within the workspace pod.

3.2. Creating a workspace from a feature branch of a Git repository

The IDE services are deployed with the development tools, packaged in containers and user runtime applications, which are defined as OpenShift resources. Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces introduces a powerful sharing feature called Factories. A Factory is a template containing the source code location, runtime and tooling configuration and commands needed for a project. Factories enable development teams to get up and running with a Kubernetes-native developer environment in a couple of minutes. Team members can use any device with a browser, any operating system (OS) and any IDE to access their own or shared workspaces. Update the CheCluster Custom Resource, and add the CHE_WORKSPACE_DEVFILE_DEFAULT__EDITOR_PLUGINS environment variable to spec.server.customCheProperties.

When starting a workspace, codeready workspaces creates a container from the plug-in image, downloads and unpacks the plug-in binaries, and includes them in the created container. The Che-Theia editor connects to the remote plug-ins when it starts. Developer workspaces in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces provide all dependencies needed to work on a project. The application includes the dependencies needed by all the tools and plug-ins used. This example shows association of a tasks.json file with a devfile.

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Defines comma-separated list of labels for selecting secrets from a user namespace, which will be mount into workspace containers as a files or env variables. Defines a 'recipe' on how to declare the path of the ingress that should expose a server. The '%s' represents the base public URL of the server and is guaranteed to end with a forward slash. This property must be a valid input to the String.format() method and contain exactly one reference to '%s'. Please see the description of the che.infra.kubernetes.ingress.annotations_json property to see how these two properties interplay when specifying the ingress annotations and path. If not defined, this property defaults to '%s' (without the quotes) which means that the path is not transformed in any way for use with the ingress controller.

2.1. Adding a Visual Studio Code extension using the workspace configuration

Factories can be used to create replicas of existing workspaces or to automate the provisioning of statically or dynamically defined workspaces. No installer logs are shown when a workspace fails to start because its container or pod are not launched. In most cases, only logs from infrastructure and image pull and build are shown. The CodeReady Workspaces server also produces logs that are helpful in debugging the problem.

If the $CHE_WORKSPACE_TELEMETRY_BACKEND_PORT environment variable was set in the workspace Pod, the telemetry plug-in will send events to a back-end listening at that port. The npm (Node Package Manager) package manager for the JavaScript programming language is configured using the npm config command, by writing values to the .npmrc files. However, configuration values can also be set using the environment variables beginning with NPM_CONFIG_.

2. Running the CodeReady Workspaces deployment script

This is important because every Git commit uses this information. Visual Studio Code launch configurations are commonly used to define debugging configuration. To trigger these configurations, press F5 or choose Start Debugging from the Debug menu. The configurations provide information to the debugger, such as the port to connect to for debugging or the type of the application to debug (Node.js, Java, and others.). The CodeReady Workspaces commands are to be used to define tasks that will be executed in the workspace container.

Jwtproxyissuer string, token lifetime and optional auth page path to route unsigned requests to. Jwtproxy issuer string, token lifetime and optional auth page path to route unsigned requests to. Configures path on workspace containers where the CA bundles are mount. CodeReady Workspaces extensions can be scheduled executions on a time basis.

3.2. Changing the configuration of an existing workspace from the User Dashboard

The path defines the base path of the service that is used by the server. Attributes are optional and can be used to tune the server or for identification. You can add a server when you need to access a process in your workspace machine. Setting the CHE_PROPERTY_machine_docker_privilege_mode variable to true makes the host system vulnerable and gives all containers access to the host system. Because workspaces can be distributed, you cannot have host-local build and Dockerfile contexts. CodeReady Workspaces sources the Compose file from the remote system and uses it as the build context.

In order to connect to Git repositories over SSH, an SSH key pair needs to be generated. SSH keys are saved in user preferences, so the same key can be used in all workspaces. The timeout for the Asynchronous Storage Pod shutdown after stopping the last used workspace. Value less or equal to 0 interpreted as disabling shutdown ability. If after timeout request is not done or client did not come yet to get result of request it may be discarded.

Community stacks are located in the community stacks GitHub repository. Is defined by the same internal port of the internal service that you have exposed in your workspace recipe. If you have a command which start servers (for example, Tomcat) you can define the preview URL to access the running server. The command controller allow you to see the state of the workspace and the last command executed. You can see since how long the command started and also decide if it should be stopped or relaunched.

The plug-in meta information is required to publish a VS Code extension in an Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry. This section describes how to create a meta.yaml file for an extension. Instructs the Operator to deploy a dedicated Devfile registry server. If externalDevfileRegistry set to true, the Operator does not start a dedicated registry server automatically and you need to set the devfileRegistryUrl field manually. Overrides the container image used in the Devfile registry deployment.

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